Thursday, March 14, 2024

Positive affirmations

  There are a hundred or more books and videos and podcasts, etc, extolling the virtues of positive affirmations, positive thinking, mindfulness, you name it. I get it. Even the Bible says to set you mind on things that are true, good, wholesome, on things above. I’ve given this a lot of brain-time, 

too. I know that it works for me. I also know that one of my core traits is that I’m an optimist, I want to/tend to/ need to look on the bright side of things. I’ve also read that people like me thrive when not in daily contact with negativity. My response to negativity is to try to inspire the people around me to also be mindful, recite affirmations, look at the good side of things even in times of despair. 

In that vein, here are three beautiful and wonderful things from this morning:

1. I got some chores done. 

2. The sun is shining brilliantly. 

3. Rosie, now 20 years old, who was yerpy yesterday, is NOT yerpy today. (Picture shows Rosie, my sweet, old girl, curled up sleeping)

#rosie. #threebeautifulthings

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