Sunday, May 11, 2008


It's a dark picture, but I think you can see that I've been crocheting! I picked up some hooks and books at JoAnn's on Wednesday, and I've started hooking up some of the acryllic yarn that was donated by an acquaintance from Cup O'Joe, where our little knitting group meets. There's lots of folks who need warm, durable blankets out there, so this is probably going to go into a donation box. My hands are cramped and tired now, after crocheting so much this weekend, but it's been fun, doing a new craft!


The Spinning Geek said...

WTG on the crochet! I'm learning myself, but about all i can do are granny squares.

Cat Herself said...

This pattern is based on granny squares, but it's just flat. I know - weird.

Amanda said...

Looks good! I thought learning to crochet was much simpler since I learned to knit first...not sure why that was!!