Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An Unplanned Day

Now that I'm back at work, I work a lot. My typical daily schedule:
~5:30-6 am: Wake up
6-6:40: cajole son into eating and dressing and getting to the bus on time (6:40)
6:35- 1/2 hour before work (either 8:30 or 10:30 or somewhere in between): personal email, Facebook, knitting, breakfast, banking, odd but quick errands
9-6 or 11-8 or some variation (yesterday was 9-8): work
6:30 or 8:30 til around 10: dinner w/DH and DS, watch TV together, more computer playing

It seems so simple, distilled like this, but as you all know, life is never that simple. One thing you can see, though, is that if you're still recovering from, say, a brain leak, and you need a lot of sleep, there isn't much time to just hang out and do nothing. This week, because of all the great things my staff want to do in our community, I am working both Friday and Saturday (rarely happens) and am taking today (Wednesday) off to compensate myself.

So, what shall I do on my day off? I've already gotten my Obligatory Important Task to Better the Family done today (took both cats to the Vet for their annual check up, hissing and shots). Frankly, I think I scheduled the Vet visit just because it would be completely unheard of to have a day off w/o a doctor visit somewhere in it.

I will probably take a bit of a nap at some point today, just because I can . . . but this unexpected, unplanned day off is such a treat! I sit here in my kitchen wondering how I should spend the time so that I feel good at the end of the day, good and accomplished.

Suggestions? What do you do on unexpected free days?


Cheryl said...

ooooh, an unexpected free day! Definitely like the idea of a nap. A must. Always nice to call up a friend and have lunch or go for a walk....

Man you get up early early. I think getting up at 7am is going to kill me!

Jim Brochowski said...

In the rare occurrence that I have an unexpected free day I try to do at least one thing I wouldn't have otherwise been able to do. Take my wife to lunch, play golf with a friend, schedule an overdue haircut.

Honestly though, I don't remember the last time an unexpected free day occurred.

Might have to work on that. :-)

knittingbrow said...

When I have an unexpected day off, I try to find a friend who might be able to run around town with me and have some fun. Window shopping, a fun lunch, or knitting are great options for me.

prashant said...

Man you get up early early.

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