Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fit as a Fiddle and Ready for . . . Work?

Well, it's been a long recovery, but it's time to get back to work and see how I do! I go back to work tomorrow, part time, and I'm thinking I can do it! I'll be working 4 hours a day, 5 days this week. The twist to this? I'm going to a new location! Yup - I'm starting back at a new (to me) branch! I'll write more on all of that another time . . . tonight I'm feeling like I need to do more of an update on my recovery.

Recovery Update:
  • I can walk with nearly no limp - when I am using my cane and have my knee brace on.
  • I can walk without either the brace or the cane . . . or without both . . . but I tend to limp more, and it tends to make my right ankle hurt.
  • I'm still going to physical therapy 3x/week. It's great, it helps tremendously, and I have about 3 more weeks left.
  • I can go up and down stairs. I do much better with a railing or two, but can manage going up just fine with just a cane, and do fine with a cane and a friend's shoulder going down. I do sometimes go down one curb step w/just my cane, but it really feels like a free-fall, still.
  • I will see my surgeon again in 2 weeks.
  • At this point we're still all thinking that it's going to be a long time before I need to get my knee replaced - YAY!
Stuff I've Learned:
  • How to use a wheelchair, a walker, and a cane. Ironically, I've used crutches before, but for some reason I was unsucessful with them this time.
  • Putting a knee brace on over clothing is a pain in the patootie, but it's better than having all that hardware under your pant leg.
  • Always carry your cell phone. This is how I called for help when I fell, and how I've been able to stay in touch with everyone during my confinement in the recliner.
  • My 2 cats CAN both fit in my lap.
  • It is not a bad thing to have a small, galley kitchen. Sure makes cooking easier when you can hardly walk!
  • I am greatly blessed to have an abundance of friends! People have brought food, come for visits, built things for us, loaned me DVDs, played online games with me, called me, taxied me around in their cars, sent cards and done countless other kindnesses. I could never thank all of you (all of them) sufficiently. I am so blessed.
  • I have a marvelous husband. Mike continues to work hard around the house to keep things running. (for instance, today I think he did a mountain and a half of laundry)
So, I come to the end of this medical leave feeling full. I'm full up with the love of my friends and family, and I am, frankly, tired of sitting around and finding things to fill my time. I am ready in my mind to go back to work, to take on new challenges of a new location, and I am ready to push my creaky body into service once again.

1 comment:

Jan Mader said...

I can't believe I stumbled on your blog. It sounds like you've had a really rough time. I hope it gets easier for you now.

I live in Columbus too. I'm a children's author. My writing blog can be found at:

and my blog for animal lovers at:

Would love to have you come visit either or both!

I'm actually doing a library visit in Washington Court House on Tuesday.

Hope to talk to you soon and good luck!