Monday, November 15, 2010

Baking Season

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we are entering into the scariest part of the year for dieters . . . BAKING SEASON. This is especially challenging if the following factors are present:
  1. you are sick of your diet
  2. you have hit a "plateau" (code word for not losing weight for a while and maybe gaining a few lb back, which totally sucks)
  3. you love to bake
  4. you equate food with love
  5. you equate fresh home-baked goodies with bestest love
So - anyone have any tips for me that I haven't heard a million times already? I'm not looking for safe, overused platitudes here, I'm looking for solid advice.

Meanwhile, I'm going back to bed for a nap before work (and to avoid thinking about baking.)


Anonymous said...

Try "Secrets of Fat-Free Baking" by Sandra Woodruff, RD. Also, some of the vegan baking recipes (now, don't cringe) are much more satisfying, and often better for you than conventional recipes. "Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar" & "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World" ( Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero), "The Joy of Vegan Baking (Colleen Patrick-Goudreau), and "Sinfully Vegan" (Lois Dieterly) come to mind. It's not a license to overindulge, but to more sensibly indulge. I'm jonesin' to try the jelly-filled doughnuts from"Sinfully Vegan". 168 calories per serving, 2 grams fat, no cholesterol. Hey -you might even be able to find these at your local library!!! LOL!

Amanda said...

This is inspiration for me to try healthier homemade baked goodies! You are right this is a hard/unhealthy time of year!