Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hmmm . . . this changes a lot, but it's just a silly list, right? One caveat about this list for me is that "crush" for me doesn't necessarily involve a lust for sex. I know, I'm boring, but honestly, I've always had crushes on people just because of their talent and gifting, and it isn't really always about their "hotness" factor.

So, right off the top of my head, here are the celebs I'd like to have to dinner at this moment . . .
  • Michael Symon
  • - I love his laugh, and I love following him on twitter. He's delightful and down-to-earth, even though he is a cooking ROCK STAR!
  • Nathan Fillion - Firefly, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and now Castle. Yum!
  • Mario Batali
  • - yea, well, he does look alot like my DH, don't you think? And again, I love his sense of humor. I think I have a common theme here.
  • Denzel Washington
  • Seriously? Do you really even need to ask?
  • Hugh Laurie - we could really use a live-in Dr. House here, but I'd settle for some great conversation with this great actor - such range he's shown over his career!
  • Pete Seeger
  • I've been a big fan of his music for more years than I can remember. I hear he's full of himself, but until I see it, I will keep my dreams alive. Oh yea, and he's about the age of my parents, too, so, well, that's weird.
  • Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - yummy with a sense of humor about himself - irresistable!
  • Gwyneth Paltrow (see below)
  • Tom Hanks - He totally won me in BIG.
  • Alton Brown - a little too skinny for my "type" but he's smart, funny, and he cooks. I can forgive some angularity!
  • Tony Bourdain - He's a little full of himself, and his delightful snark tips over into the RUDE category for me, but come on, he's really fun to watch. Can you imagine hanging out around a dinner table with him? I would be laughing as much as eating, I'm thinking.
  • George Clooney - I am not a die-hard fan, and to be honest I've had times when I really don't care for him, but right now he just seems so ruggedly handsome and charming.
  • Heather Morris, who plays Brittany on Glee - she is just so funny and deadpan - I'm hoping she's as fun in person.

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