Tuesday, March 08, 2011


What is in my bag?!? I carry around a wide variety of little things each day, and I am known to change bags based on what I need. Sometimes I carry bags within bags to help myself stay organized. This week, I have just one bag, and I'm using it because I have a nifty new knitting project inside it that will require a lot of nearly-mindless knitting (good for knitting in public, or KIP times) so I've moved all my essentials to that bag.

I was a little concerned about just dumping out the bag, but since I've only been carrying this one a few days, I figured it was fairly safe that I wouldn't lose stuff.

I kind of like the randomness of the jumble, but it's hard to see what's there, so I spread it all out so that I could examine each thing and list it here.

From top left:
  • list of meds I'm currently taken (I had a Dr. appt Friday, and it turned out I didn't need it, but still, it's good to keep it handy.)
  • Tupperware thingy with my morning meds that I was supposed to take yesterday and forgot
  • packet of cables and stuff that is needed for the interchangeable knitting needles I'm using, although now that I'm set up and knitting I don't really need them.
  • work badge
  • pens
  • minty gum
  • pink crochet hook for picking up dropped stitches (saving my butt)
  • box where I keep darning needles, stitch markers, little scissors (notions)
  • knitting project, yarn neatly in a baggie
  • paper sleeve from yarn I'm using - miracle of miracles I haven't lost/thrown it away yet!
  • keys
  • cell phone - it's a good phone, but not as nice as my son's - poor me - lol
  • wallet
  • driver's license - why this is out of my wallet, I'm not quite sure, although things like this explain why I have lost my license in the past
  • one Hershey's Dark Chocolate truffle
  • leftover yarn from the skein that I hope I don't need because it kept breaking when my friend, Jan, was winding it up for me at the yarn shop. Then she switched the whole thing over to a lighter swift and the bigger ball was wound w/o breaks
  • a receipt from the yarn - also rather miraculous as I don't often save those, either, and I bought this yarn in April, 09
So, I cleaned my bag since it was all dumped out anyway, and this is the result:
  • morning meds are taken for the day and the tupperware thing is back in the bathroom where I keep all my other meds
  • paper yarn sleeve is tucked into the baggie with the yarn I'm using
  • leftover yarn and packet of cables and stuff are put back into my "needles and stuff" bin so I can find them later
  • yarn pattern is found in the bag (it hadn't fallen out with the dump) to confirm that I do still have it
  • driver's license and list of current meds are both safely tucked away inside wallet
  • yarn receipt is thrown away
There you go! Another list, a quick bag-clean-up, and I didn't even eat the chocolate (yet).

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